And I have to tell you that I got new make-up kit! It's Japanese Make Up Kit. And I was fascinated by its containing. There's a lot kind of eyes, mouths, noses, and my favorite part is: blushes! I immediately put blushes on my cheeks... And ta-da! I'm kinda blushing lady :3
#1 Bunny Sweetheart
I have dreamed this outfit for a loooooong time until a new friend of me named King Chocolate gave me this. I just can't stand on those bunnies around my body! I love all parts of this outfit except the wig. It makes my head look bigger, so I wear my Smart Witch Wig and however it match perfectly with my new Bunny Sweetheart dress, shoes, and hair bow.
#2 Pink Mist Girl
Kinda pretty, am I? I got this as an extra payment of my artwork from my friend Miki. I love all the Pink Mist Girl dress, boots, and hat. This one dun have any wig in the bundle, so I matched it with my Modern Party Girl Wig :3
#3 Witch of The North
I'm totally fell in love with the wig. It's kinda fancy but cute! It's all matching. It's all cute! I usually dun like wigs that showing off my big ears, but this one's stole my heart. I wear all the Witch of The North wig, dress, shoes, tiara, and scepter happily :D
#4 Victorian Queen
I also got this one from King Chocolate. He's such a generous friend. I love the hat! It's kinda unique and... How can I explain it? xD it's just pretty! And also the Victorian Queen dress and shoes, of course. I matched them with Aristocrat Witch Wig. Purrrfect! :3
#5 Cyber Gal
The new one from this outfit is the Precious Cyber Eagle Wings! I got it from finishing the quest in Quest Portal that I skipped the mission that I should find Mayor's missing pets. I'm kinda lazy so I skip it :p the rest are things that getting dust in my wardrobe; Cyber Gal wig, dress, gloves, and boots.
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