8 Apr 2013

Meet Lady!

I was visiting my neighbours when I found a cute little house that belongs to a cute little pet as well. The cute little pet I mentioned is a lovely bunny named Lady. Her owner is a very kind-hearted girl that also a friend of my owner! 

When I came to Lady's house, she's wearing Flying Birthday Pig outfit. No wonder she wear it with a happy face, because I also like that outfit! Look cute in every pet! Her front yard is very beautiful, and she have a dancing cake in it. I laughed at that cake because it's dancing hilariously! That cake have a lucky day because it entertained me, because if it didn't I think it will be in my tummy right now! :p 

Lady leaded me to a pretty tiny rose garden in her house. She have a lot of roses that blooming beautifully. I wanted to pick one but Lady said it's prohibited to harm plants in Lady's house. How cute! :)

After that, Lady and I went to a room that filled with a lot of ponies, cats, rabbits, everything! We're drowning! It seems like she kept all of her pretty plushies here so they won't be escape themselves! 

Before leaving, Lady invited me to have a tea time together and I agreed. Too bad I didn't take a picture of us having tea and cakes, because we're too busy with spoil our tummy with yummy cakes! :D

Here's my outfit when visiting Lady's house: 
I wear Arabian Princess top, pants, and headpiece. I also wear my new Crystal Princess Wig that I found in the Crystal Cave dig site today! I think I'm going to dye this wig soon, but I'm still have doubt about it. Maybe I'll seriously do when I have one more! :D 



  1. Oh my gosh I used to love this gameeee :DDDD

    1. Then you should continue play it :3
      It's really fun :D

  2. Hahahaha the special plushie room...


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